Wednesday, September 19, 2007

26 Weeks

26 Weeks 01
She's been kicking lots more! And even responds to hot and cold - sitting in the tub last night, part of my belly was submerged, the top part was not...I blew cool air on the top and she started kickin' right away. Amazing. Here is what my weekly newsletter from had to say...

Your baby now weighs a little under 2 pounds and measures about 14 inches, from head to heel. The nerve pathways in her ears are developing, which means her response to sounds is growing more consistent. Her lungs are developing now, too, as she continues to take small breaths of amniotic fluid — good practice for when she's born and takes that first breath of air.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you look beautiful! I'm so anxious to see both of you! I'll be home from school as soon as possible on Thursday. I'm going to invite your mom and Jim over for dinner and will include your dad and Mike if they're not coming to the after shower get together.
Give Charlotte a tap from her Gammy!