Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Lights

Some snippets from our evening viewing of the Atlanta Botanical Garden's holiday nights light display. Sure was chilly, but we had a lovely time...

Atlanta Botanical Gardens Atlanta Botanical Gardens Atlanta Botanical Gardens Atlanta Botanical Gardens

Oh the faces she makes...

Atlanta Botanical Gardens Atlanta Botanical Gardens Atlanta Botanical Gardens Atlanta Botanical Gardens

Friday, December 9, 2011

22 Weeks, 3 Days

A little funnin' around with baby number two's first Santa photo...

IDI Santa

Been feeling pretty great though I still can't seem to shake all the tiredness. Love the feeling of number two moving around all the time - especially when I take a moment to sit and chill.

We've chosen a name! But, hold tight, I'm gonna look around for some crafty way to formally announce on the internets :)

IDI Santa

Surprised? Even Charlotte got a little more Santa time in!

Richard + Chopper

Not really sure where to start with this one. Perhaps with an introduction? Readers, meet Richard (click on the link). Richard, meet readers.

Richard, affectionately named by Stevens, is my pregnancy pillow. Pregnancy pillow you ask? Oh yes! It's really one of those items that I always rolled my eyes at when other preggo ladies made mention. But with pregnancy number two it's been impossible for me to get comfortable and I was up for trying anything. Richard is a marshmallow dream. Just ask Chopper...

(note: the video is a little dark at first, but then Stevens turns on a light)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Few Of Our Favorite Things

Halloween Weekend

• Loves to make up her own songs
• Writes her first name all by herself (and the word MOMMY too!)
• Thinks my name is Mommy Karly Young
• I'm not allowed to have Alexandra as a middle name because it is hers
• Sets the dinner table
• Knows when you miss (or skip) a page in a book
• She's so affectionate and tells us several times a day that she loves us
• Puts together a 60 piece puzzle in no time
• Collects rocks and puts them in her "Rock Collection Bag"
• Calls Chopper her buddy

Sunday, December 4, 2011



This year marks the fourth year that we have trekked to B. Braithwaite for Alice Park to take our photos! Thanks again, Alice! Such a lovely job!

2010 2009 2008