Wednesday, September 19, 2007

26 Weeks

26 Weeks 01
She's been kicking lots more! And even responds to hot and cold - sitting in the tub last night, part of my belly was submerged, the top part was not...I blew cool air on the top and she started kickin' right away. Amazing. Here is what my weekly newsletter from had to say...

Your baby now weighs a little under 2 pounds and measures about 14 inches, from head to heel. The nerve pathways in her ears are developing, which means her response to sounds is growing more consistent. Her lungs are developing now, too, as she continues to take small breaths of amniotic fluid — good practice for when she's born and takes that first breath of air.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

25 Weeks

Another week down! And, only 103 days to go (according to my babystrology widget)! Been feeling pretty good, but have experienced some swelling. Imagine my surprise when I realized I had no ankles last Friday - don't worry though, they are back to a fairly normal size now. No more cankles, at least for today anyways.

25 Weeks A
I have noticed that there are lots of little things about pregnancy that no one really talks about - things that you have to be an 'insider' for to actually figure out. Everyone is always quick to share with you the preggo 'glow'(of which I have yet to experience), the enhanced rack, the exhaustion, the incorrectly labeled 'morning' sickness etc - but what about the return of adolescent-like acne? Or, more importantly, the sudden growth of your feet? Why on earth does no one talk about this? Perhaps it is just too painful - it sure is for me. You see, I have a 'thing' for shoes. A fetish, if you will. An 'I can't live without stylish shoes' complex. And the other day I thought I might break out a couple of 'almost Fall' / changing of the season shoes - you know the kind...the cute little ballet flats, patent pumps, sexy boots etc. Well let's just say that was a bad idea. A VERY BAD IDEA. Nothing fits. I am now a size 8, goodbye (for now) my dearly beloved 7's.

What is a girl to do? I surely can't start wearing my Uggs this early in the season (thank god something fits). Lord help me and please let my feet shrink least eventually.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


We got a call the other day that our crib is in! Woot! Can't wait to pick it up! And, sorry we're a bit late posting photos this's a busy one. Should be something up this weekend!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

24 Weeks: UPDATE

Got a bit freaked about something so the doctor's office upped my appointment to today (instead of Thursday) - but NO worries! Everything checked out to be just fine. Got to hear little Miss Charlotte's heartbeat AND got to hear her moving ALL around - it was crazy. She was so active at times that it was hard to hear her heart beat over her movements. I didn't know that movement could be picked up by the doppler but it sure can! Amazing!

24 Weeks

24 Weeks is pretty much equivalent to 6 months, right? Man oh man. The concept of 'time' sure is weird when the current time it seems as though things are draaaaaaagging along. But when you look back you can't believe how much time really has passed.

Here we are, present day, time
draaaaaaagging. Sure doesn't look like much of a difference from my last couple of pics. Thought I would notice more of a size difference. Our next doctor appointment is Thursday - just a regular old check-up...measure the belly, weight check, blood pressure check, listen to the heartbeat (can't wait for this part)! No ultrasound this time. In fact, I think the gender ultrasound was our last - boo I love to see our little person. But, I am pretty excited that I will get to meet with my regular OB doc this time around - haven't seen her in a bit. FYI - when you are a patient in a larger practice, you get passed around so you can meet all docs in case your main doc isn't available for delivery = no surprise faces.

24 Weeks 01
As for the nursery - we have completed all touch-up painting. I was so excited that I was able to participate this time around. Woot! In the next couple of weeks we will start the clear, super high-gloss stripes for a real subtle tone-on-tone effect. Can't wait!

Just Chillin'

Daisy looked mighty comfy yesterday morning; just thought I would share...

Comfy Daisy
Comfy Daisy

Monday, September 3, 2007

Balloon Knot

According to Stevens, my belly button now closely resembles a balloon knot.

Balloon Knot


Maybe it is just me, but why is it that with each major appliance purchased, the older you feel? Oh well. Anyhow, the refrigerator that was generously left by the previous owners has decided to make its departure. Quite honestly, it isn't all that upsetting - it had mold. Gross. So now we introduce, our Whirpool 25.6 Cu. Ft. Side-by-Side Refrigerator. It is not stainless - surprising, huh? Sure does look it! As we learned over the weekend, most major appliances offer a 'stainless look' finish so the impending mini finger prints we have to look forward too won't show so much! And, did you know, that true stainless is NOT magnetic? No magnets? No fingerpaintings? No report cards? Well heck, we just couldn't have that. Rock on 'stainless finish'!

Refrigerator Sep 2007

I opted to NOT post our actual refrigerator, though it has already been delivered and is happily in its new home - Photoshop was giving me grief.