Friday, January 30, 2009

13 Months

I realize I didn't give a 12-month download! I covered the doctor appointment but not milestones! Eek! We are at 13 months now so that will just have to do...

Charlotte is now VERY fast at crawling and cruising. She LOVES and is obsessed with her walker. Still relies on her ra-roo (pacifier) to go to sleep. Uses a straw sippy cup for water (no, we have not made the complete bottle to sippy transition). Her vocabulary consists of mama, dada, nana, uh-oh, dog, ow (ouch), uh-huh, and no. She is all about babbling. I mean, REALLY babbling. She babbles at you like she's having a conversation and is under the assumption that you understand exactly what she is saying. She is eating larger chunks of food - less cutting and chopping for Mama + Dada! LOVES her glo worm. Has 8 teeth. Gives Daisy hugs. Waits for Chopper to notice her, grabs one of his toys and waits for him to come and take it. And, she likes to point at absolutely everything.

Bare With Me!

Bare with me peeps! I am doing research on other online photo programs before I start uploading more pics. FLICKR does not allow photo transfer from one FLICKR account to another so I will be deleting ALL personal photos in the near future, only to re-upload them again to another program and relink absolutely all photos, videos and slideshows to the blog. Ugh. I have a looooong road ahead of me!

Why am I doing this, you ask? There is a need to separate business photos and marketing from personal. And, seeing as my FLICKR account is listed under SweetBeaker (my business) I need a new location for personal items! Why oh why, dear FLICKR, do you make this so difficult?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Blog Maintenance

Something screwy is going on with the blog and photos. Please bare with me while I try to fix the issue!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Teeth. Numbers 7 + 8

Seven is already in. And, number 8 is making its way. Probably the reason for a slightly cranky baby yesterday!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Looking Back

I was just looking at the photos from Christmas morning. Charlotte really didn't look like she felt so well. Look at those glassy eyes. So glad she is almost back to her good ole' self.

An Apple A Day...

Came across this article this afternoon. Guess we proved it wrong. I ate an apple every single day of my pregnancy!

Hugs + Kisses

Charlotte now gives hugs + kisses. Did you see the pic below? She is hugging her Glow Worm. She'll pick anything up and hug it. She even hugged a bag of lettuce the other day at the grocery store. It is heartbreakingly cute.

Glow Worm Hug


Went back to the doc this morning because Charlotte's rash has only spread. It is now all over her chest and back, arms, legs, neck, hands, and feet. Pretty much all over. Doc believes it is the end of her pneumonia and her body's way of ridding itself. Should be gone in another week or so. Gotta keep a food diary though, just in case.

Monday, January 5, 2009


Charlotte has developed some sort of rash on her chest. The doc thinks it's a food allergy. Going to start Benadryl. Sleepy baby!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sippy Cup Trial + Milk

Sippy cup trial not going so good. We are going to place it on hold for a bit and try again in another couple weeks. Talk about an unhappy baby. Whew.

OH?! And, by the way (as of today), Charlotte is completely on milk. No more formula!

Friday, January 2, 2009


Went to RuSan's with Gammy + GrandDad tonight. Charlotte LOVED every minute of it. She couldn't get enough of the miso soup.