Friday, August 29, 2008

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Eye Surgery Update II

Well, it's been two full weeks since Charlotte's eye surgery and she is looking wonderful! No goop!


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What What Chicken Butt

Charlotte had her first 'meat' for dinner last night - a chicken and sweet potato blend. She loved it. Our little carnivore, sigh.


Charlotte can drink out of straws now. Not so much a sippy cup but, she has the straw down.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Forgot to mention that Charlotte has started to play peek-a-boo. She'll pull a burp cloth over her head and wait for you to ask, "Where's Charlotte?", and then she pulls it down to reveal a super huge grin and gives a giggle. It's great.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Gammy & Granddad

Had a wonderful visit from Gammy & Granddad this past weekend! Here are some pics from our dinner with Denny, Melissa & Brandon.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Music Class

Charlotte had her first music class today (9 more sessions to go)! She absolutely loved it. I am sure you are thinking, "What the heck does an 8-month old do in music class?" Quite honestly, it is a glorified play hour with lots of singing and dancing. The point is to introduce babies and toddlers to rhythm, and song and dance. The kids get to play with instruments and to learn about music too. It requires TONS of energy - you are up and down, up and down and all over the place. I was pooped. Charlotte was pooped and we both had a fantastic nap afterwards.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Eye Surgery Update

All good! It has been three days since Charlotte's last round of eye antibiotics and so far NO eye goop! Woot! Usually by this time, after antibiotics, a considerable amount has returned. Keep your fingers crossed that the surgery really worked!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

8 Months Old

Here she is folks! A whole 8 months old and playing with Annabelle, my childhood babydoll. Hang in there Annabelle!

8 Months

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Clean Clean Clean

Did I mention that the house is CLEAN? I mean really, really clean? I think it's the first time the house has been this clean since the Sunday before we had Charlotte. It took two weeks to get it this way and it was worth it.

FYI: Stevens and I have agreed that once Charlotte is done with formula we are hiring a cleaning service. Sooo excited. Not excited for her to grow up and be off formula but excited about having a clean house and not having to do the work to get it that way. Oh! So wonderful!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Tough Night

Whew. Last night was a tough one. Not sure what was wrong, maybe her teeth? Charlotte went down pretty easy 'bout 8:30ish, then was up at 11:30 for about an hour and then again from 4 to 5:30. Lots of crying. She and I ended up sleeping in the guest room. Nights like last remind me how lucky we have it. Lots of little ones still don't make it through the whole night at this point. Charlotte usually gets 10-12 hours a night - WITHOUT waking. I am beat.


Yesterday Charlotte said, as plain as day, "Mama." It was in the midst of her usual jibber-jabber but, she said it. Made me stop and drop what I was doing. Of course, she had no clue what she said because everything else was just Charlotte-speak. But, man, it gave me chills.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

New Car Seat(s)

Stevens installed Charlotte's new car seats today. We actually bought them a month or so ago — I think we were in denial - she is getting so big - and procrastinated installation. The other day she really looked squished. Poor thing. But, all is well now. She is riding in style in her new Britax Diplomat convertible. Had to get two since convertibles don't have interchangeable bases like infants seats. Things just had to get more difficult, huh?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Eye Surgery

Charlotte had eye surgery today and all went very well. Remember I mentioned that her tear duct was clogged (at two weeks old)? Well, most of the time such a thing clears up on its own by 4-6 months; Charlotte's did not. So, the pediatric opthamologist recommended that we surgically unclog the duct to make everything better. So far so good. Keep your fingers crossed!

Here is a pic of her waiting to go in to the operating room. She wore the teensiest hospital gown complete with ties in the back. And, they put a smiley face above her left eye to make sure the correct eye was operated on. The surgery was simple - she was in and out in 10 minutes. There are a couple more pics here.

Eye Surgery

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Super-Duper Update

Ok. I'll be the first to admit it - I have been awful with the blog. So sorry. I promise to be better. I swear. That being said, there has been a ton of stuff going on since the last post. I contemplated writing millions of separate posts but, that will take forever. So, just this once, I 'm gonna go all-in-one on you (this accounts for the entire 7 month period). Here goes...

  • reaches up to you when she wants to be picked up, and sometimes just because you walked by the exersaucer
  • knows exactly what her pacifier is - we can bury it in a pile of toys, she will pick it out and put it right in her mouth while she plays
  • first vacation - trip to Bethany Beach with ENTIRE family; pics are here
  • she loves to 'dance' - shakes her head back and forth, waits for you to do it and then she repeats
  • scoots herself backwards (with arms) when on tummy - she still isn't too sure what those little legs are for
  • 'practices' consonants; jabbers & babbles
  • sits very well without support
  • starting to clap hands together and wave bye-bye
  • lunges forward to reach objects and toys
  • sleeping on tummy though she most always flips herself over in the middle of the night
  • gets very upset when mommy or daddy leaves the room

Can you believe all of this?

Monday, August 11, 2008

Nantucket Weekend GIVEAWAY!!!!

This outfit is too adorable AND free! Yes, I said free! Charlotte is a bit too small for it right now but, I'm sure she'll grow into in no time. Check out the link below!

Nantucket Weekend GIVEAWAY!!!!