Friday, March 12, 2010

Like Mother, Like Daughter

I was pleasantly surprised with a photo album my mom (a.k.a. Nana) presented to me during our last trip. In it, is a collection of photos of me as a little girl of which I am very familiar but, it wasn't until looking at them this time around as a Mom, that I really, finally realized that Charlotte does look a little (actually, a lot) like me. More often than not, most everyone says how much she looks just like Daddy. Well, you tell me - who do you think she looks like now?


(No wonder I fear clowns now. Mom? Dad? What were you thinking?)





The resemblance is kinda crazy, isn't it?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Terrible Two's

I'm pretty sure I mentioned that I thought we had started the terrible two's a little while ago. I was wrong. We're there. NOW. Big time. I could write an extremely long post detailing every teensy bit but, I won't, because it really is too much. It's tough. It's trying. And it surely makes you, as a parent, re-learn what patience truly is. But, what I would like to say is this...

While I don't particularly wish any moment to be over (because it all truly goes so darn fast), I do wish, just a little, that this one 'phase' might go a little quicker. Just sayin.

Musical Genius

Sunday morning antics while Daddy made banana pancakes; Charlotte, the musical genius (not really, yet). She plays the harmonica too, you know?



Monday, March 8, 2010

Princess Charlotte

Two princess crowns later (from burger king yesterday)...we have ourselves in the car this morning on the way to Vesa's...

Princess Charlotte

Princess Charlotte

Princess Charlotte


After a no-nap Saturday afternoon, Daddy headed over to the driving range while Charlotte and I headed to the mall to switch out my damaged iPod for a new one (go warranty!).

Upon our arrival (at the Apple store), we were told we needed an appointment and the earliest availability wasn't until a full hour later. What we two ladies to do in a big ole' mall? Head on over to build-a-bear, or rather in Charlotte's case, build-a-bunny. It was her first trip.

Other than being a little afraid of the stuffing machine and throwing the biggest tantrum ever while checking out (which almost resulted in a newly stuffed bunny not coming home with us), it was a success. Here's Molly (with the outfit and shoes Charlotte picked out all by herself)...


Morning At The Park

Saturday morning we woke, rallied and loaded the pups into the car - all by 8:30. We took Stevens' car to the shop, dropped the pups off at the groomers and, at Charlotte's request, ate at Waffle House. Seriously. She requested it. Said to me (while driving to the car dealership), "Mommy, Choddie hungy. Waffle House?"

And, since the weather was so darn nice, we made one more stop on the way home at the park up the street...

Jungle Gym

Jungle Gym
Jungle Gym

She's still not 100% sure what to think of the swing. Check out these faces...





Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Early on we made it routing to read constantly to Charlotte; all the way back when she couldn't even hold her own head up but for a fleeting moment. And, we'd like to think that's the reason Charlotte absolutely, hands down, LOVES to read now. Often times, we'll leave her be for a couple minutes and, upon our return, find she has settled down to 'read' one of her books.

That brings us to Olivia. We've gone through lots of book 'phases'; The Sleep Book, Pat The Bunny, Fox in Socks, Goodnight Moon and The Runaway Bunny to name a few. But, this one is different; it's really sticking around. We've acquired a couple books in the series and it's made choosing a nighttime story quite tough!

Charlotte is enthralled. She has learned the illustrations and the commentary quite well and we're now
at the point that she 'reads' the books back to us. Seriously.