Sunday, November 29, 2009

No Naps!

No naps the past two days despite our every attempt. Are naps gone too, along with the ra-roo??? (no, please, no - don't let it be - she's not even two yet!)

Tutu + Mommy's Shoes

Here she is, in all her glory prancing around in my shoes and tutu (yes, I say my tutu because it was my tutu when I was little). We asked Santa Claus for a new one - this one is getting a little beat up and I'd like to try and keep it nice. Nostalgia and all. Notice her eye is pretty much healed? There is a little mark but we've been using vitamin E oil and neosporin to help it go away.

Tutu + Mommy's Shoes
See Charlotte 'help' decorate the Christmas tree plus a couple of videos over on FLICKR!

Bye-Bye Ra-Roo

You read right - "Bye-bye, ra-roo!" We started Tuesday night, figuring it'd be best since we had a long holiday weekend in front of us. How'd we do it? We hid all ra-roos but one and cut the tip off. I know, it sounds mean but it is seriously time. Charlotte was quite puzzled by a missing tip and said to both Stevens and I, "Mommy? Daddy? Ra-roo broken?" To which we replied, "Yes, sweetie. Ra-roo broken. It's all gone."

We told her when things are broken and can't be fixed we throw them in the trash for the trashman to come take away. She asked for my hand and we walked to the trashcan. Without hesitation she placed her ra-roo in the trash and waved bye-bye.

It wasn't until she sat down for storytime with Daddy that she truly understood that ra-roo was really gone. Tuesday night was tough - Charlotte cried for an hour and a half. Tuesday morning, the first thing she said was, "Ra-roo broken, Mommy. It's all gone." Wednesday, surprisingly, she took a nap at Vesa's without a fight. She fussed a bit Wednesday night. Thursday was the worst - she was up a lot in the night. Ra-roo was Charlotte's 'soother' and now she has to find another way to soothe.

We've taken it night by night and nap by nap (nap time is especially hard) since Thursday. It hasn't been easy. We're certainly not looking for sympathy, just a way to share. We'll keep you posted.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Many thanks to those who are reading and, may you have a safe and happy holiday! We stayed in town, had a low-key day and spent time with great family friends. We'll be up in PA for the Christmas holiday - hope to see ya'll then!

The images below are from our lovely thanksgiving day spread. Thanks you, Mimi and GrandDad, for sending the beautiful flowers!

Thanksgiving Table Setting
Thanksgiving Flowers
Thanksgiving Table Setting

Monday, November 23, 2009

Charlotte Is Turning Two!

Here's a peek at Charlotte's second birthday party invitations! These bad boys just went out in the mail today and I just couldn't wait to post. Charlotte is Dora-obsessed, folks. Seriously. She completely 'zones' out when it's on tv. Good luck getting her attention...

Dora-Themed Birthday Party
Dora-Themed Birthday Party
Dora-Themed Birthday Party
Dora-Themed Birthday Party
We really wish everyone could be in attendance for Charlotte's party! But, as the distance is so great, we know it's not always possible. I'll be sure to post lots of party pics and keep ya'll in the loop!

If you'd like to read more about how I put these invitations together, head on over here.

Monday, November 16, 2009


So, yesterday after Daddy's football game, Charlotte and I headed over to McD's for a quick lunch. A quick lunch it was not...

You know how newer McD's give you a cup and you go fill it at the little fill stations off to the side? Yeah, ok. And you know how they have those nice little stainless steel countertops that stick out so you can slide your tray along while you fill? Yeah, well. Charlotte made a bee line for me from across the restaurant while I was filling our beverages and she didn't stop. She ran right into the stainless countertop.

Charlotte now has a black eye just like Daddy's two weeks ago.
Click on the photo to see a larger version.

The worst part (besides that silent purple to red in the face blood curdling cry) is that NOT ONE SINGLE McDONALD'S EMPLOYEE came over to make sure Charlotte was ok. Seriously. We were lucky an ENT nurse was there. She came over and helped us out. Thank you ENT lady - I can't remember your name.

FYI - You can still see a little impetigo leftovers. She is still on antibiotic and doing ok.

Last Game Of The Season

Charlotte had a blast running around at Stevens' last flag football game of the season. She played 'soccer', climbed the bleachers and ran up and down a little hill. Oh and yeah, the weather was awesome - 78 and sunny.

Rocks Down The DrainMore pics and videos here.

Monday, November 9, 2009


The past couple months, Charlotte has had a bit of an issue with a persistent rash right around her nose. It pretty much started when her pulmonologist prescribed Nasonex. When we stopped the Nasonex it would go away. It finally got to the point where it wouldn't go away and the doc switched her to Flonase. Worked for about a week. Rash started to come back. Went to see the ped last Tuesday (or Monday, I can't remember). Got a topical prescription. Got worse. Stopped using topical. Miraculously, her nose looked 100% Saturday morning. Yay! It doesn't stop there...

Fever, coughing and super runny nose come out of nowhere Saturday evening. Sunday morning she wakes and the rash is back 10-fold. Ugh.

Went to the doc this morning. She has impetigo AND a head cold. What is one to do???

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Weekend With Nona

Had a lovely weekend with just the girls! Daddy was gone - in NJ for a family wedding. Kids weren't allowed so Charlotte and I invited Nona to come down! Had a lovely time! Thanks, Nona, for everything!

Nona + Charlotte
Charlotte has a bit of a rash. We're headed to the doc in the morning to find out what's going on!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween (a day late)

So, this year was Charlotte's first 'real' Halloween. Last year she wasn't even walking and we were out of town (though she did go to dinner as a Lady Bug).

We tried (all week) to get her to say, "Trick or treat," but she just wasn't having it. We trekked up and down our street, despite the rain. By house number 3 she was a pro and held her bucket up to everyone, though most people caved and let her take candy by the handfuls (ugh!). She fell a couple times walking up and down the curb but that surely didn't crush her spirit. She thought it was great and was quite upset when she realized we were walking back up the steps to our house!

BTW - she was supposed to be a BUNNY ballerina. The bunny ears barely lasted 3 minutes.

BallerinaThis photo cracks me up - she was amazed at my reflection and the flash on the fireplace doors. Didn't want to look at Mommy and say, "Cheese!" More photos here.