Sunday, September 27, 2009

End Of Summer Freeze Pop

Charlotte enjoying a freeze pop outside this afternoon. Weather was finally gorgeous! Can't believe summer is officially over!

Freeze Pop

Ellie's Third Birthday Party

We had a great time at Ellie's third birthday party. If it weren't for so much darn rain we'd have had the extravaganza at a local park. We had a blast at Mickey D's all the same!

Get the flash player here:

Monday, September 14, 2009

Running Around

Here's Charlotte running around at Stevens' flag football game yesterday. Her cheeks were practically purple by the time we left!

Flag Football Field, originally uploaded by MamaBeaker.

Orange Juice

Charlotte calls orange Gatorade, "Orange juice." She's been obsessed with it since the last time she was sick (two weeks ago).

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Table + Chairs

When Nana (Nona) was in town the girls took a trip to Ikea to explore table + chair options for Charlotte. We left, disappointed. The set we liked was out of stock. Ikea, luckily, has a nice online inventory check and to my surprise the table was in stock this morning! Woot!

New Table + Chairs
Here's a link to the accompanying video!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Peep Peep

Charlotte peed in the potty this morning! We bought some potty seats while Nana (Nona) was in town but, Charlotte wasn't quite feeling it then.

This morning she brought her potty seat right to me and said, "Peep Peep, Mommy!" So, we headed over to her bathroom, set the seat and stool up and sat, and read and sat a little more. Then, all of a sudden, a tinkling! I jumped for joy, clapping and praising. Charlotte started clapping too and was very excited.

She wasn't quite ready to hop down so we read a little more. Another minute passed and she turned and said, "More peep peep?" To which I replied, "Sure!" She squeezed and more came out!

Amazing. So unexpected.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Say, "What?"

Backyard 'Swimming'

Pease Beaks

Pease = Please | Beaks = Grapes

The other night at dinner Charlotte, of course, wanted her beaks. Daddy got up, cleaned and brought them to the table. She was adamant that she get them and she get them now, now, now.

Daddy said, "Charlotte, say please."
"No," shaking her head.
Daddy said, "Charlotte, say please, please."
"No. No," still shaking her head.
Daddy said, "Charlotte, say please and you make have your grapes."
"No," still shaking her head, lip starting to curl.

This went on for a good 10 minutes and Charlotte would not give in. Charlotte didn't get any grapes.

The next morning Charlotte and I were in the car and on our way to Vesa's. Suddenly, Charlotte was 'practicing' in her mirror..."Pease, beaks." Over and over again.

That night she said, "Pease beaks?" Charlotte got her grapes.

End note — way to go Daddy for persevering! I was a wimp and wanted to leave the room.

Weekly Words WRAP-UP

It's official. Must. Stop. Adding. Words. I can't keep up. As of this date, here are the words she uses on a regular basis...
Eh-fant (Elephant)
Bu-shies (Buses)
Wawer (Water)
Uck (Stuck)
All Gone / Done
Poo Poo
Stoo (Stool)
A-do (Uncle Adrian)
EE-go (Rodrigo)
Mimi (Gammy)
Gra-Da (GrandDad)
E (Ear)
Fru (Fruit)
Uh Oh
Mia (Friend @ Daycare)
No (Nose)
Uck (Truck)
Do It
Gago (Gotta Go)
Ra-roo (pacifier)
Mo (More)
Hi Da-da
Ow (Ouch)
Momma | Mommy
Gos (Goats)
Go Go Go
Bye Bye
Beya (Vesa)
Night Night
Melmo (Elmo)
Boon (Spoon)
Ba (Up)
No No No
I do have to mention that Charlotte has been crazy with two-word phrases this week. Last night Daddy's phone rang and she said to me, "Daddy's phone?" This morning it was, "Mommy's shoes." Seems like she is starting to understand ownership.