Monday, June 30, 2008

Jumperoo Exhaustion Part I

Charlotte in action. Click HERE for Part II, the END OF THE VIDEO! (FLICKR only allows 90 second videos so I had to split this in two)

Jumperoo Exhaustion Part I, originally uploaded by sweetbeaker.


Aunt Kirsten and Uncle Todd were generous enough to lend us their Jumperoo. Thank you! Charlotte loves it so much; she jumped herself to sleep.

Jumperoo Exhaustion

Friday, June 27, 2008

Giggles & Dogs

Most evenings when we get home and situated we'll sit on the floor in the living room to watch the dogs play. Charlotte thinks it is pretty funny.

Giggles & Dogs, originally uploaded by sweetbeaker.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Pediatatric Opthamologist

Visited the pediatric opthamologist today. The doctor would like to wait two more months to see if her clogged tear duct will clear up on its own. If it doesn't, she will be scheduled for MINOR surgery to unclog the duct. Doc also noted that Charlotte is a little more farsighted than what is normal at this stage. We'll need to keep watch because farsighted babies can sometimes over focus and cross their eyes.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Announcements Are Coming

Charlotte's birth announcements are FINALLY in the mail. If you haven't gotten yours yet, PLEASE let me know.

YES, I know it took awhile. Each one was handmade - BY ME. Some have asked, "Why even bother at this point?" Well, gosh darnnit, when I start something, I finish it. And doggone it, they're done. So there.

Formula Update

Charlotte is now on 3 formula bottles a day plus 2 breast milk bottles. It was tough in the beginning - poor little lady had a reaction to the milk-based formula, so we switched her to soy. She didn't like the Enfamil soy and refused to drink it so we switched, again, to another brand (of soy). Then she was super constipated and we just had to wait and let her system get used to something so new. Poor thing. She's better now. No worries!

Finger Food

I tried uploading the 'finger food' video to FLICKR but it's too big. So, here are some pics instead. Charlotte puts EVERYTHING in her mouth. So naturally, we thought she would put finger foods in her mouth too. But, nooooooooo! She played with it (bananas) instead. What a goofball.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Six Month Check-Up

Charlotte is now 16 pounds, 15 ounces and 26 inches long. The doctor said she can start to eat some finger foods - smashed to smitherines of course! I think we'll try bananas tonight! She has been getting a rash from her pacifier and we learned how to treat that and, no worries about her flat spot since it has greatly improved since our last visit.

We do have to see a pediatric opthamologist for her eye though since it is still goopy (from a clogged tear duct). It has been this way since she was 2 weeks old, but a small procedure at the eye doctor should clear it up just fine.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

She Sits Alone

Charlotte is learning to sit by herself. She'll do it for a bit, then forgets and throws herself backwards...

She Sits Alone, originally uploaded by sweetbeaker.

Friday, June 20, 2008

6 Months Old

Today Charlotte is 6 months old! Amazing. Like usual, we can't believe it. Her hair is finally starting to grow in (kind of a dark blonde), she is infatuated with the dogs and she still only flips over to the left. She is trying really, really hard to go from her back to her tummy - the bottom half goes and she isn't quite sure how to flip the top half over.

She had bed-head for the first time this morning. It was cute.

Charlotte & Gammy

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sun Hat

Charlotte's sun hat suddenly does NOT fit. It fit fine on Sunday when we were at the pool. Some times things DO happen over night.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Splashing Like Crazy

So tonight in the tub Charlotte was going crazy splashing. Don't know where it all came from! Maybe the pool yesterday?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Back In The Pool

We went swimming again and, this time, Charlotte loved it! I guess it helps that the water is now 10 degrees warmer. She enjoyed floating around with us and kicking her little legs.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

First Bottle Of Formula

It's official. We are starting the wean from breast to bottle! It is tougher than what I thought it would be - emotionally, I mean. Breastfeeding is biggest and best job I've ever had. And part of me feels I am saying good-bye to a little part of her life. I never thought I would feel this way so soon! The pains of 'growing up' for Mommy. This is just a first of the many milestones that we will come to! I've gotta get used to it!

Anyhow, enough of the, 'oh whoa is me', spiel...a combination of having 4 bottles a day at daycare, fussing and pushing the breast away and the intro of solids - Charlotte sure is ready.

So far she has taken to formula just fine! Seems to be no different than drinking bmilk for her. We've started with just one formula bottle a day and are about to switch to 2 formula bottles a day! She is such a trooper. Once she is completely on formula I will start the weaning process from pumping. Woot! I won't miss that one bit!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

First Movie

We went to see Iron Man and took Charlotte with us! Daring, huh? She did wonderfully though - slept the first half in Daddy's arms and then sat wide-eyed and stared at the screen for the second half. No fussing! Imagine that!