Hey all! Sorry for the lack of posting - have been pretty exhausted and busy the past couple of weeks!
We had our most recent check-up on Friday and all is very well. We are still measuring right on time (34cm), and gaining a 'normal' amount of weight (+3LBS since last visit). Charlotte's heartbeat was in the 150s (very active!) and she 'seems' to be head-down, though this still needs to be confirmed at our appointment next week.
Speaking of our appointment next week, the doc will start checking to see if we are dilated! Eek! Keep your fingers crossed that she comes sooner rather than later! We are so excited. After our 36 week check-up, we will start weekly appointments until the little lady makes her appearance!
Our birthing class was on Saturday - ALL DAY Saturday, 9 to 5. How exhausting - we both took a nap when we got home! But, we learned lots of good stuff and even took a tour of the maternity wing so we know right where to go when the time comes! It was really great getting to meet lots of other couples that are due right around us too!
Charlotte's nursery is STILL coming along, so no new pics just yet! I am working on her mobile, and I just cut drawer liners for all of her drawers (and hurt my back in the process - you just sometimes don't realize your limitations until you have surpassed them). We still need to hang things on the walls and wash all of her little clothes (gosh, so afraid to lose something!).
We also chose a pediatrician this week and have yet to decide upon the best daycare option (can't think about that right now...get too upset and emotional).
Oh?! Right now she has the hiccups! Ha! She gets them all the time! Hope ya'll have a wonderful turkey day!
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