Monday, November 9, 2009


The past couple months, Charlotte has had a bit of an issue with a persistent rash right around her nose. It pretty much started when her pulmonologist prescribed Nasonex. When we stopped the Nasonex it would go away. It finally got to the point where it wouldn't go away and the doc switched her to Flonase. Worked for about a week. Rash started to come back. Went to see the ped last Tuesday (or Monday, I can't remember). Got a topical prescription. Got worse. Stopped using topical. Miraculously, her nose looked 100% Saturday morning. Yay! It doesn't stop there...

Fever, coughing and super runny nose come out of nowhere Saturday evening. Sunday morning she wakes and the rash is back 10-fold. Ugh.

Went to the doc this morning. She has impetigo AND a head cold. What is one to do???

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