Monday, November 16, 2009


So, yesterday after Daddy's football game, Charlotte and I headed over to McD's for a quick lunch. A quick lunch it was not...

You know how newer McD's give you a cup and you go fill it at the little fill stations off to the side? Yeah, ok. And you know how they have those nice little stainless steel countertops that stick out so you can slide your tray along while you fill? Yeah, well. Charlotte made a bee line for me from across the restaurant while I was filling our beverages and she didn't stop. She ran right into the stainless countertop.

Charlotte now has a black eye just like Daddy's two weeks ago.
Click on the photo to see a larger version.

The worst part (besides that silent purple to red in the face blood curdling cry) is that NOT ONE SINGLE McDONALD'S EMPLOYEE came over to make sure Charlotte was ok. Seriously. We were lucky an ENT nurse was there. She came over and helped us out. Thank you ENT lady - I can't remember your name.

FYI - You can still see a little impetigo leftovers. She is still on antibiotic and doing ok.

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