Friday, August 10, 2007

It's A Girl!

The results are in - It's A Girl! Woot! She was VERY cooperative, and VERY active. Moved all around; I guess it helped that I had a bunch to eat beforehand. She would flip to her tummy, then to her back and would then suck on her thumb. Just about every day now I (and Stevens too!) have been feeling little 'bumps' and 'taps' in my belly so I know she is well! Here are some pics...(click on 'em for a larger view)...

This is a view looking up at her little butt.

20 Weeks, 2 Days (08.09.07)
Here she is sucking on her thumb.

20 Weeks, 2 Days (08.09.07)
And laying on her side, facing us!

20 Weeks, 2 Days (08.09.07)
And, my most favorite, her little feets! We're so in love!

20 Weeks, 2 Days (08.09.07)
Needless to say we are VERY excited! Time to start the nursery! Stay tuned for some belly pics!

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