Friday, September 24, 2010

A Few Of Our Favorite Things

#01 - The Farmer In The Dell
Charlotte loves to sing. Everything. And this past week she has sung absolutely everything she can think of to the tune of The Farmer In The Dell. If you're not familiar, the lyrics are here.

#02 - Magic Wand
At the end of every day, Charlotte gets a 'report card' from Vesa; it tells us what she has done throughout her entire day. Most every day she 'reads' it to me and has recently started to turn it into a magic wand / flute.

#03 - Tinkerbell
Tinkerbell is the movie of the week; she can't get enough. Could Tinkerbell be replacing her 'best friend' (that's what Charlotte calls her), Jessie? Eek!

#04 - "Sure, of course..." one of our favorite responses. She says it with a lisp.

The photo above was taken on our girls day out. We stopped by North Point Mall and rode the carousel and the choo choo train. A little video can be seen here (sorry it's lopsided!).

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