Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Early on we made it routing to read constantly to Charlotte; all the way back when she couldn't even hold her own head up but for a fleeting moment. And, we'd like to think that's the reason Charlotte absolutely, hands down, LOVES to read now. Often times, we'll leave her be for a couple minutes and, upon our return, find she has settled down to 'read' one of her books.

That brings us to Olivia. We've gone through lots of book 'phases'; The Sleep Book, Pat The Bunny, Fox in Socks, Goodnight Moon and The Runaway Bunny to name a few. But, this one is different; it's really sticking around. We've acquired a couple books in the series and it's made choosing a nighttime story quite tough!

Charlotte is enthralled. She has learned the illustrations and the commentary quite well and we're now
at the point that she 'reads' the books back to us. Seriously.

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