Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Welcome, Vivienne

Dear Vivienne,

Everyone is so excited that you're finally here; especially your wonderful Mommy + Daddy. We've been told that you have your Daddy's cheeks and can't wait to cover them in kisses. Your Uncle and I have been very lucky - Mimi + GrandDad have been sending us lots of photos so we don't feel too out of the loop. Here are a couple of our favorites so far...

Mimi, Daddy, GrandDad + Vivienne

Daddy + Vivienne

Daddy, Mommy + Vivienne

We can't wait to really, really meet you! Photos just aren't the same, you know? We're thinking a little trip up your way first weekend in March; think you can pencil us in? Oh, and one more very, very important thing - in the meantime, try to let your Mommy and Daddy get some sleep. They really need it.

Aunt Karly

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