Saturday, January 30, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

Last Evening

Had a little dinner followed by a photo shoot...


...some tickle time with Daddy...

Tickle Time

Tickle Time

Tickle Time

...a booboo. Really, Mommy had the booboo (a kick in the lip from spectating tickling) but Charlotte needed an ice pack too...

Ice Pack

...and then a bath....


And, yes, her hair really is that long! You'd never know it with all those curls!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I'm Ok Mommy

The other day Charlotte was being her usual goofy, doppy self. She tripped and fell spread eagle while navigating the living room. I stifled a small laugh - didn't want to react too much one way or the other. She got up, dusted herself off (literally, even though dusting wasn't necessary), turned to me and said, "I'm ok, Mommy."

Monday, January 25, 2010

Big Girl Pillow

We started using a big girl pillow this weekend. So far, so good. Trying to get her ready for that big girl bed (see #06).

Brynne's Party

Went to Brynne's second birthday party on Saturday and got to meet Abby Cadabby. Charlotte wasn't too thrilled and kept her distance. See more photos. You can click on the photo below to view a larger version; it's worth it.

Brynne's Party

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Welcome, Vivienne

Dear Vivienne,

Everyone is so excited that you're finally here; especially your wonderful Mommy + Daddy. We've been told that you have your Daddy's cheeks and can't wait to cover them in kisses. Your Uncle and I have been very lucky - Mimi + GrandDad have been sending us lots of photos so we don't feel too out of the loop. Here are a couple of our favorites so far...

Mimi, Daddy, GrandDad + Vivienne

Daddy + Vivienne

Daddy, Mommy + Vivienne

We can't wait to really, really meet you! Photos just aren't the same, you know? We're thinking a little trip up your way first weekend in March; think you can pencil us in? Oh, and one more very, very important thing - in the meantime, try to let your Mommy and Daddy get some sleep. They really need it.

Aunt Karly

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Recap and Catch-up

Since returning from PA we've been super busy...(Our trip was much more successful this time around; thanks for asking :))

01. Released Valentine's in the shoppe. Get them while you can!

02. Charlotte's rash came back twice as bad. Just finished a round of oral antibiotics. Did some research and that's apparently a possibility - thanks, doc. We've switched to all non-SLS products to help keep irritation at a minimum.

03. Charlotte has been having a tough time sleeping at night. We bought a white noise machine this morning at Target.

Dear God, please let it work.

04. Celebrated Porter's first birthday party. Sorry, I forgot the camera. We're going to Brynne's second birthday party tomorrow - I'll try to do better.

05. Check out Charlotte singing her ABC's. It's great.

06. We're thinking of transitioning Charlotte to a big girl bed. She's almost too big for the crib! And, I thought it would be good for in-the-night potty trips. However, she has no interest in the potty anymore. We're just planning ahead.

07. Vivienne is on her way! We'll keep you posted!

I promise to get my blogging butt back in gear! These catch-up posts aren't too much fun, huh?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Well, we're headed back to PA tomorrow. Couldn't have brought in the New Year any better - it was with family and that's pretty darn special. Thanks to everyone who made our trip as wonderful as it was!

Love to all!

Sliding Board
If you're wondering, Charlotte is on top of a sliding board that was used at The Young School for Wee People; a school where her Great Grandma taught. It's old, real old. So old and so used that it has butt cheek indentations at the top.

Oh, and?! We'll be driving straight through tomorrow - all 11.5 hours. No stopping this time. Can't. Do. That. Again.