Friday, May 22, 2009


We have been home the past two days, diagnosed with roseola. Not so fun. A 3-5 day, low-grade fever during the day spikes at night to 103 which will be followed by an all-over body rash as the virus heads on out. Poor thing.

We stayed in our jammies all day long. Had some Chic-Fil-A for lunch. And, as the afternoon went on, Charlotte became a bit stir-crazy so we headed outside for a little...some sidewalk chalk, and manning the leashes while the doggies did their business was enough to tire her out for a late afternoon nap...

We won't be participating in our planned festivities for the weekend since she is contagious but that's ok so long as she gets better! Hang in there Charli-Bear!

Tending To The Pups

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