Friday, May 29, 2009

Polly Want A Cracker?

No, but Charlotte does. Here she is asking for one...

Cracker, originally uploaded by MamaBeaker.
We were having soup and sandwich for dinner, had some crackers and offered one to Charlotte. She looked at me, then at Stevens and just said it, plain as day - "Cracker". Amazing and funny, it absolutely rendered us both speechless.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Roseola UPDATE

Just wanted to let ya'll know that Charlotte is definitely on the mend! She woke up Saturday morning with a smattering of rosy dots that quickly spread into a full body rash by Sunday. It is mostly gone now. Strange virus.

Monday, May 25, 2009


There is a new roadside fresh-fruit and -veggie stand on our way home from work - FINALLY! Stands like this are few and far between in Atlanta and is one of the things we miss most about PA. We've stopped twice so far and everything has been delicious. Here's Charlotte with her favorite...

Peach!, originally uploaded by MamaBeaker.

Friday, May 22, 2009


We have been home the past two days, diagnosed with roseola. Not so fun. A 3-5 day, low-grade fever during the day spikes at night to 103 which will be followed by an all-over body rash as the virus heads on out. Poor thing.

We stayed in our jammies all day long. Had some Chic-Fil-A for lunch. And, as the afternoon went on, Charlotte became a bit stir-crazy so we headed outside for a little...some sidewalk chalk, and manning the leashes while the doggies did their business was enough to tire her out for a late afternoon nap...

We won't be participating in our planned festivities for the weekend since she is contagious but that's ok so long as she gets better! Hang in there Charli-Bear!

Tending To The Pups

Growth Chart

We've started to document Charlotte's growth on the door way to the office. She's growing so fast!

Growth Chart

Friday, May 15, 2009

Headed To Boston

Headed to Boston today for a bridal shower. Should be a great time and I am looking forward to the festivities however, it's the first time I will have EVER been away from Charlotte. Was hard (for me) to say good-bye this morning - she, of course, has no understanding just yet.

I have loaded the first season of The Tudors onto my new iPod (thanks, babe) and have lots of magazines to peruse, plus a new book to start. Lots of little things to keep me busy to and from.

Sunday - you can't come fast enough!

First Cheeseburger

Charlotte has had cheeseburgers before - all cut up, of course. This was her first 'real' cheeseburger eaten in true form. She ate the whole thing (and some pasta AND some corn). And she kept giving kisses in between bites.

First Cheeseburger, originally uploaded by MamaBeaker.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Last Bottle

Bye-bye bottles.

(at least those who frequent BabyBeaker) knows of our trials and tribulations with the bottle to sippy transition. Well, we made it. Charlotte is now on all sippy cups. No bottles. Anymore. No trace of strawberry milk either. I give to you...The. Very. Last. One.

Last Bottle
We're going to miss the bottle bonding but I'm sure we'll find some other ways to get the very-much-needed-snuggles in some where!

Planting Flowers

Charlotte and I went over to Pike Saturday afternoon to pick out a little color for the back porch. She was very helpful when we got home.



She has two coming in - one on each side, bottom.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


She drank a sippy with milk from Mommy this morning! Woot! True, it was 'laced' with strawberry milk but, it still counts. Finally.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sippy Cup UPDATE

So ya'll know we've had / are having issues with the sippy. Well, just to let you know we are down to two bottles a day now! Woot! The only thing keeping us from 0 bottles a day is that Charlotte absolutely refuses to take a sippy with milk from either Stevens or myself. She freaks and screams no, no, no as soon as either of us comes near her. Water in a sippy - she is fine. But milk? No.

She chugs two 12 ounce sippy's for Vesa no problem. What a stinker. We just need to make sure that she will at least take two sippy's from us a day (at this age minimum milk requirement is 12 ounces) before ridding of the bottles all together.

So, we decided to get sneaky. I came across an article from BabyCenter from a mom who had the exact same problem. Her remedy? Sneak a little strawberry milk in with the regular milk. We tried it this morning and after the freak out she realized it was something a little different and down went the milk - for Daddy, anyways. The real challenge - will she take it from Mommy? Stay tuned...