Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Waiting for more pics of the little lady bug from Gammy + Granddad - hope they got some good ones! Spending Halloween weekend in Easton, PA for a Bradlau wedding. A little dinner and dancing should be lots of fun!

Lady Bug & Uncle Adrian

Thursday, October 30, 2008

First Time "Crawling"

Just started today! Vesa had her crawl to me when I picked her up today. I sat there and cried. Who's the baby now?

First Time 'Crawling', originally uploaded by MamaBeaker.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Lowered The Crib

Had to lower the crib last night. Since Charlotte has learned to sit up by herself she is now also pulling up. Had to go in to her room 3 times (after we put her down for the night) to assist her in sitting back down because she couldn't figure it out - lots of tears and drama. We decided it was best to lower the crib right away just so nothing yicky would/could happen.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sitting Up

Walked into Charlotte's room this morning and, low-and-behold, she was sitting up! Got there all by herself! Daddy received the same surprise yesterday morning.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Third Word

Ma-ma. She's been saying it the past couple days. Last night she wanted out of her booster seat and started crying, "Ma-ma, ma-ma, ma-ma," with real tears. It made me weak in the knees.

Monday, October 20, 2008

FAILED: Photoshoot

Tried so so so hard to get a photo of Charlotte's teeth. Failed. Big time. It's like trying to get a photo of bigfoot. Or the loch ness monster. Ugh.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Falling Asleep On Her Own

So, I'm not quite sure if it will stick but, this whole entire past week Charlotte has been falling asleep on her own! Perhaps I am jinxing it as I speak. Who knows. But, after her dinner, bath and bottle we take her up to her room (WIDE AWAKE), lay her in her crib and she rolls right over onto her side and goes to sleep. And that's it. Sound asleep. Guess crying it out is helping after all.

Battling Diaper Rash UPDATE

It's looking better! Been using a combo of desitin and corn starch. Just gotta keep on top of it.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Not A Happy Baby

Diarrhea, diaper rash, rash on her chin and more teeth coming in does not a happy baby make. Eek. Teething is tough (on her, certainly not on us).

Second Word

It's da-da. Told ya so. She says it all the time. SO sweet.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Went to the pumpkin 'patch' yesterday. Charlotte was thrilled with the mini pumpkin they gave her upon arrival. She tried to eat it the entire time; guess a little dirt won't hurt. We picked up a large pumpkin to carve, 2 'fairy tale' pumpkins and a hay bale. Gotta get some mums and the front porch display will be fini!

Pumpkin Patch

Battling Diaper Rash

Ugh. A diaper rash showed up Friday night. Got worse Saturday, and even worse Sunday - almost to the point of bleeding. Poor thing. We've tried Desitin, A+D Ointment, a light application of cortisone cream and even air drying but nothing seems to want to work. Nana recommended we try corn starch and nothing else. We tried it last night and it actually looked a little bit better this morning. Keep your fingers crossed.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fall Is Here

One thing about living in the South is that fall always comes so late. I miss those Friday night football games with sweatshirts and a chill in the air that start in late September. But, I was on my run this morning and was pleasantly surprised to 'smell' fall in the air. So lovely.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Passed Out

This is how we found Charlotte when we went to wake her from her nap on Saturday morning. She protested a ton and must have passed out mid-shout.

Morning Run

Ready for our morning run, complete with footie pajamas and TWO ra-roos (we lost one along the way)! It's been pretty chilly the past couple mornings so I whipped out some of Charlotte's handknit hats. This one is a snowman - the orange part sticking up is his carrot nose.

Morning Run

Second Tooth!

Charlotte's second tooth is now poking through; the bottom left. She still won't let us in there - we sneak peaks while feeding her dinner at night and when she laughs.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Uh Oh Video

Charlotte saying, "Uh oh!" And, yes I know, I held the camera the wrong way and can't figure out how to flip the video. Ugh.

Uh Oh Video, originally uploaded by sweetbeaker.

First Word

Can't believe it (same thing I always say) but, Charlotte is saying her first word! Know what it is? It's 'uh oh'. Seriously, uh oh. It's really funny. She uses it in context too! If you say it, she says it. I did try to get her to say for Vesa this morning and she was suddenly shy. Silly little lady.

You know what's really funny? I went psycho mama this morning. I was driving to work and talking to my mom (via ear piece of course, both hands on the wheel) and told her the fabulous news when suddenly it occurred to me - what if 'uh oh' isn't really a word and we are just thinking that it is? My mind started to go crazy. I got to work, ran to my computer, and was immediately satisfied to know that DOES indeed recognize 'uh oh' as a word. Whew.

Da Da is not far behind. Actually, she says it all the time but has no clue what it means. It's her babble-speak.