Thursday, December 31, 2009

Snow! (again)

It snowed! Yay! Probably had a good 3 inches - just enough to go out and play! Charlotte wasn't too sure of it. Daddy wiped out. Daisy attacked the snow shovel. Chopper ran laps and collected snow balls in his beard. And, Mommy took a nap after!

Mimi + Charlotte
Chopper mid-air. Good snapshot, Daddy! You can click on the picture for a larger version. You'll see - he doesn't have one paw on the ground!

Air Chopper
We're headed to The Gigi's for a quick afternoon visit. And then we'll be bringing in the New Year at Uncle Ado + Aunt CC's with Wise Guy pizzas. Mmm.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Perioral Dermatitis

Had to go to the dermatologist today - yes, while in PA. Hello, out-of-pocket. A rash started to break out on Charlotte's face again Christmas Eve. It's been steadily getting worse and we didn't think it wise to wait another week until we could get an appointment back in Georgia.

Diagnosis = Perioral Dermatitis.

It's a combo of acne and eczema. She has such sensitive skin. Doc gave us a steroid and said she'll be back to good in no time.

Open House

Had an open house last evening so everyone could get together all under one roof all at once... Mimi + GrandDad, Nona + PapPaw, PapPap + PopPop, The Gigi's, Aunt KC, Jordan, Jen and Lucy. Doesn't happen all that often! It was a full house and we had a lovely time.

Jordan + Charlotte
Highlight: Charlotte sang for everyone. Seriously! At the top of her lungs. Probably about 10 songs. At the end of each song everyone clapped and said, "Yay!" She would mimic with amazing enthusiasm and break into the next song. Each song kept getting shorter and shorter because she couldn't wait for everyone to clap again.

It was sweet.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Made It To PA

We made it safely the rest of the way to PA. Will never again stop mid-way. Never. It was the worst. Charlotte had WAY too much energy from being in the car and in one spot for so long. A half-hour bed time routine turned into two hours. And then once she settled down and fell asleep she woke about 5 more times to make sure Mommy was still in bed next to her. And then from 5:30-7 (when the alarm was set to go off) she kept poking at me and lifting my eyelids. All this while Daddy peacefully slumbered with his ear plugs and mask. Hmmm.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Ever see anyone so excited to get a soccer ball for Christmas? Hehe.

Soccer Ball
We're headed to PA later this afternoon - Mommy, Daddy, Charlotte, Daisy + Chopper all in the car with pod on top. Should be interesting. Planning on stopping midway to get a good night's sleep. Merry Christmas everyone!

Testing Out Tickle Monster
Here we are testing out the Tickle Monster mits. Poor Daisy-dog - she thought they were for her.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Party

What a great time. Seriously. Charlotte had a blast with Mario, Cole, Ellie, Ryder and Porter (and I think they did too)! The best was when we got to the end of singing Happy Birthday, Charlotte asked everyone to sing again (shingings song again, pease?). It was darling. And, she even blew out her first candle! Thanks to everyone who made this such a special day for Charlotte.

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There will be more photos to come and, be sure to read more about the party details!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy Holidays?

Santa didn't go over too well this year...

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Monday, December 7, 2009

First Snow

Charlotte's first memorable snow! Here she is with Aunt KC catching sweet!

Aunt KC + Charlotte

Our Weekend In PA

This past weekend Charlotte and I had a blast in PA! It was our first time traveling alone, without Daddy and it went pretty well. We got lucky on our flight up - a whole row to ourselves (really only two seats, nothing crazy)! And, to Charlotte's surprise, GrandDad was there waiting for us in baggage claim (our bags were waiting for us for us too - that never happens.)!

Once we were all settled in the car, Charlotte, GrandDad and I stopped at McD's for lunch (no black eye this time) and then headed over to Mimi's school for a quick visit. Next, we went to Mimi and GrandDad's house where another surprise was waiting for Charlotte - a brand new play room chock-full of toys! Plus, TWO Christmas trees from which she could steal ornaments!

After a napless afternoon, we headed to PapPap and PopPops for dinner. The GG's were there and Lucy too! Charlotte had a blast with Max, PapPap and PopPop's dog. They did laps upon laps - through the living room, into the kitchen, then to the dining room and back again. Max would bark when Charlotte stopped so she kept going.

Saturday morning we had breakfast with Nona, PapPaw, Aunt KC, Jordan and Jenn. Charlotte was sneaky and put a pancake in Nona's glasses case. Pretty funny, if you ask me. Another surprise - it was snowing after breakfast (Charlotte's first)!

Charlotte and I headed back to Mimi and GrandDad's. She had a little play time with GrandDad while Mimi and I got ready to head out for Aunt Ciara's baby shower. Aunt Karen and cousin Courtney arrived to pick us up and off we went. Charlotte stayed behind with GrandDad for a little milk and a two-hour nap (way to go GrandDad!).

Upon our arrival at the Boyle abode we were greeted with more family, tons of 'I-haven't-seen-in-forever' friends and mountains of food and yummy treats. We stayed the whole afternoon and into the evening. Charlotte (and GrandDad) showed up after nap time to provide the evening's entertainment.

Our flight home was a bit more confined but Charlotte managed well with a little help from Dora and a set of headphones. It sure was a whirlwind weekend! We had a great time and loved getting to spend time with everyone! See ya'll again in two weeks!

Some pics from our weekend!

A Few Of Our Favorite Things...

...that Charlotte is saying lately...

"Oooooh. Wow! Sparkles!" (as we pass the Christmas lights on the way home at night)

"No more shingings!" (when she wants you to stop singing)