Friday, October 30, 2009


Had to replace Jack VII. Poor guy didn't make it what with all the warm, cold, freeze, warm, cold, rain weather we've had. Jack VIII is quite the suitable replacement - done by Daddy. He went all out. You like him?


Monday, October 19, 2009

In The Car

Charlotte in the car this morning (in the drive way, BEFORE we got on the road. I'm not crazy, you know?).

Please take note of the scarf and head band. She pulled the scarf from a hanger in the closet, walked over to me and said, "Hep (help). On. Mommy," and there it stayed until we got to Vesa's. She's not allowed to bring any of her own stuff (to Vesa's) because of possible possession issues so we had to disrobe before entering.

I put the head band on her as she walked by just for fun. She's not a fan of hair accessories. It lasted about 3 minutes.

Car Shot 03
Oh?! And by the way, she was saying, "CHEESE," as I snapped the pic(s). When I stopped she said, "Mo CHEESE Mommmmmmy!"

First Pumpkin Carving

Charlotte 'carved' her first pumpkin last night!

She was really only interested in tasting the guts at first. It took a little bit for her to catch on and start scooping the contents and placing them in a trash bag (nope! we didn't bake the seeds, maybe next year). And, yes, she ended up wearing most everything she touched!

We had a blast and can't wait to light it!

Mommy + Charlotte

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Went to the pumpkin patch today! Such a difference from last year...Charlotte then...

Pumpkin Patch
And, Charlotte now...

More pics from our outing here!

Here, Lizard Lizard

We were greeted by a chameleon Saturday morning. Charlotte really, really liked him and couldn't understand why he scampered away when she banged on the door.


Monday, October 5, 2009

Wedding Weekend

Had a lovely time in Williamsburg, Virginia while attending David + Scottie's wedding. The weather held up wonderfully (thank goodness because it had been a 60% chance of rain for the BIG day) and we even got to trek through downtown Colonial Williamsburg. Thank you to all families - you were great hosts!

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Just FYI - if you see a real blurry photo, it's a video. You can view it here! And, more photos from our weekend are here and here.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Chillin' Watching Dora

Here's Charlotte chillin' at the Newport News airport, watching Dora and waiting to pack-up and board the plane.

Watching Dora At The Airport

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Nona (Nana) sent Charlotte a purse. She puts her cell phone and bracelets in it. She likes it. A lot.

And, here she is on our way to Vesa's this morning. We've got baby, Kokoa, sunglasses AND the new purse.

Kokoa, Baby, Purse + Charlotte


Kokoa is/was my Pound Puppy from when I was a wee little one. She still even has her collar with a heart name tag. It reads, 'Kokoa belongs to Karly'. Kokoa had lots of outfits too, my favorite being a little yellow rain coat, hat and matching paw covers. Mom, you still have that in the attic?

Well, anyhow, enough reminiscing. Quite some time ago, I snuck Kokoa (along with a couple other childhood items of mine) into Charlotte's pile of stuffed animals. The other day you'd have thought she found the next best thing to sliced bread. The past couple of days she and Kokoa have been inseparable. She covers Kokoa's eyes with her big long ears and says, "Night, night Kokoa." It's sweet.